Once upon a time in a universe far, far away there was a class called Room 1. They did an experiemnt with milk, food colouring and dish washing liquid. They made the mixture and it started to bubble. It swirled and it twirled. It was amazing!
by Zach.
The milk was creamy and white. It swirled and twisted with colours. It squiggled and wiggled like clouds curling in the sky. Our experiment was fun to do. We mixed it and it popped. The colours quickly faded away. It went all mucky and brown. The shapes went white and it turned all bubbly.
By Te Aroha.
The mixture sped as all the colours designed their one pattern as the mixture bubbled the food colouring twirled and turned. It got mucky and it faded away. But then it came back alive as it twirled and wiggled as it sped quickly as. It was going around and around in circles.
By Annabelle.
It's been all go here in Room 1 and in the playground of Morningside School. Because it's National Primary Science Week Ms H has been in the playground doing all sorts of wacky experiments to get kids thinking. We've blown up our lunch (some peole don't like crusts) and managed to learn how not to get wet when you tip a bucket of water upside down.
Tomorrow is Wacky Hair Day and Ms H really hopes she finds a kid without the usual product in their hair to perform the wackiest hair experiment yet.
Here's a populat experiment to try at home. Beware ,it involves explosions!