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Friday, April 12, 2013

Nesta and the Missing Zero.

What happens if we lose nothing? Does it count? Room 1 thinks it does count very much indeed!
We read the story 'Nesta and the Missing Zero' by Julie Leibrich and Ross Kinnaird and discovered a crazy world where lots of things went really wrong.

Here's what some Room 1 People had to say when asked why zero was important.
The number zero is important and we can't have numbers if we don't have zero in them.
I think zero is important because if we didn't have zero in the world 10 would be 1 and 100 would be 1.
If you're 50 and there's no zero you would be 5!
Imagine it!
Do try this at home.
Have a go at making and reading numbers made from the following numerals. You can mix them up in any order you like.  Remember it's up to you to put them in their place value.
2, 9, 0, 5, 4
Tell us which numbers you made and how to write them
in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.. I can make five hundred and ninety, 590 and a nine hundred and fifty two, 952. I bet there's a few more though! Ms H


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