A Visit from Victor.
Victor Green came in to Room 1 to let us know a little about the kind of things he did to have fun as a school aged child when he was growing up in Whangarei. He said he felt old at 21 as there were no ipads back then.
He soon got talking about life in Auckland at Dilworth School where he was encouraged and required to take up lots of challenging and fun pastimes.
Room 1 listened so nicely to Victor when he explained what it was like to go to university after having been a teenager in Whangarei. Maybe people were thinking of the kinds of things they might like to do or study in the future.
His talk about his trip to Japan really had everyone thinking and it was great to see the places he went on our Interactive White Board.
Victor brought his saxophone to play so people could understand that by learning the recorder at primary school then other instruments could follow after.
Here are some photo's of Victor and of Room 1 and other seniors listening to his talk about Japan and saxophone playing.
P.S. Victor Green is Ms Higgins' son.
Asking Questions and Information Gathering.
What a lot of inspiration we have had so far this term.
Room 1 have been busy learning ways to find and organise important information so we can present some interesting answers for our questions about Toys and Pastimes of the past, present and future. The topic has really got us thinking, here are some of our questions;
When were string games invented and who played them in the old days?
When was play doh invented?
What were the playgrounds like in the old days?
When were skipping ropes invented and what games did they play with them?
What kind of toys were around in the old days?
When were spinning tops invented?
Were there such things as ipads in the old days?
What were toys and barbies made out of?
How did they make toys and barbies?
What games did they play in the old days?
So that we can answer these and other questions we are using a collection of family friendly websites.
Room 1 are learning to ask questions on the 'Ask Jeeves' website at the moment
Please follow this up at home if you are able. You might find other good sites to share with us at school.
Here's the link;
Writing in Room 1.
It's been such a busy and purposeful start to the term.
Question; Where do we start?
Answer; With some shared writing.
Room 1 have been studying the poem 'The Town' by NZ poet James K Baxter.
We have been looking at detailed nouns as well as verbs to describe our experiences as people growing up. Ms H took the class outside to recollect the type of things that we had experienced together as a group that were situated around our 'town'.
Morningside was usual enough, it had
a bridge, a creek, a playground, a soccer club
and bush by the water tank I never
went to, me my classmates and our teacher
did what classmates do;
We ran to the rugby stadium to play with the Blues, dug in the potato patch,
listened to the banging and clanging sound of next door's construction site with Mr V,
competed furiously in the cross country,
doing nothing important.
Room 1 are looking forward to publishing their very own efforts based on the language and structure of 'The Town'.