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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Writing in Room 1.
It's been such a busy and purposeful start to the term.

Question; Where do we start?
Answer; With some shared writing.

Room 1 have been studying the poem 'The Town' by NZ poet James K Baxter. 

We have been looking at detailed nouns as well as verbs to describe our experiences as people growing up. Ms H took the class outside to recollect the type of things that we had experienced together as a group that were situated around our 'town'.


Morningside was usual enough, it had
a bridge, a creek, a playground, a soccer club
and bush by the water tank I never
went to, me my classmates and our teacher
did what classmates do;
We ran to the rugby stadium to play with the Blues, dug in the potato patch,
listened to the banging and clanging sound of next door's construction site with Mr V,
competed furiously in the cross country,
doing nothing important.

Room 1 are looking forward to publishing their very own efforts based on the language and structure of 'The Town'.

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