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Friday, February 15, 2013

Room 1 have an activity called Whanau Time on a Thursday.This is when we look after the school gardens.This Thursday we pulled out the awful , useless weeds called kaikuia because they choke the plants.We were all working together.Some people were using forks to pull out the kaikuia.We used little forks and big forks. The forks and tools come from the garden shed.We had to line up while Ms Higgins showed us how to be safe with the tools.When we had finished we had a wheelbarrow full of kaikuia and other horrible weeds.By Room 1 stars-Tearoha,Sebastian,Shakyla,Tupu,Hannah,Aaron,Tuan.


  1. We think you make a good team. We like that you pulled the weeds out of our gardens.

  2. WELLDONE to all the people who help out in our garden

    1. I agree. It's been a lot of fun too.
      Don't forget that you can plant things in the garden with your class or group as well Kaitlin. It just might take some interested people to get things happening! And remember I'll be happy to help. Ms H

  3. Well done Room 1 you have done a great job keeping our school looking great. Mrs Shroff


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